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Art Lover
Concept Works/Matte Paintings/Storyboard
Mech Design
Digital Matte painting
Secret temple of Shiva series
Gods of India
Realistic - Using Texture
Painted Everything
Machines of Bharat 2044
Only 1 layer Painting
War hammer 40K Fanart : Strictly One Layer Painting
Deceased 14 X Strictly One Layer Painting : LavA Bed
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj- Real Heroes Of Bharat X Strictly One Layer Painting
Meteo-ride : Strictly One Layer Painting
War Song : Strictly One Layer Painting
Brace for Impact : Strictly One Layer Painting
No More Music : Strictly One Layer Painting
Journey! -The Series[part15] x Strictly One Layer Painting - Cat's Sakura!
Mighty Pen : Strictly One Layer Painting
Journey! -The Series[part14] x Strictly One Layer Painting - My Snow Totoro
On The TOP: Strictly One Layer Painting
Power Center: Strictly One Layer Painting
Breaking Bane : Strictly One Layer Painting (Re-Up)
Journey! -The Series[part13] x Strictly One Layer Painting - Snow World
The Gods of Bharat : Return of Bhagavān Śrī Rām ॐ
A painting from my dream : Strictly One Layer Painting
2000 24 : Strictly One Layer Painting
Hello Snow Monster
Bat infection : Strictly One Layer Painting
Bat Vaccine : Strictly One Layer Painting
V Point : Strictly One Layer Painting
Machine Music : Strictly One Layer Painting
Pump-mach-kin : Strictly One Layer Painting
Dressing Table : Strictly One Layer Painting
Nature Lover : Strictly One Layer Painting
Resting in peace : Strictly One Layer Painting
Greatest Escape : Strictly One Layer Painting
Frost Giant. : Strictly One Layer Painting
Chandrayaan 33 : Bharat 2044 : Strictly One Layer Painting
Back Home! : Strictly One Layer Painting
The Game Plan- The Remake
The T800
Deceased 13- Tank in the hole : Strictly One Layer Painting
Gun and Rose!
The Replacement Artist
Journey! -The Series [part11]-A Peaceful moment
1548-The Last Stand : Strictly One Layer Painting
Cyber Samurai-横綱 404 (Yokozuna 404)
The Gods of Bharat (India) : Goddess Meenakshi (Parvati) ॐ (Rework)
The Machine Minds of Bharat 2044
Boss Fight
No AI No Shortcut.
Cyber Samurai : Gurdian Mecha Mk.9
Knightworld : Face the Clay
The Secret temple of Shiva(16)ॐ-The Second Rudra Temple (Re-work)
Digimonkey universe where nothing makes sense!
The Gods of Bharat (India) : Bhagawan(God) Hanuman ॐ _ Rework
ॐ The Gods of Bharat : Bheem (Normal Verson) _ Rework
The Gods of Bharat : Lord Shiva ॐ (Re-work)
The Kaliya Nag [The Remake]
Concept 74
Frida in Pink!
Independence day Preparations : Mechanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
The Gods of Bharat : Bhagavān Hanuman ॐ Only version
The Gods of Bharat : Glory to Bhagavān Śrī Rāma ॐ
Character Developement for Industry X | Accenture
Cyber Samurai : The Cyber Bat
Neo Nippon 2044 : The Beach Patrol!
Nature Happy :)
Tales of Grandfather : Brothers united
Cyber Samurai : V5.5
Aim With Style_The Remake
Neo Nippon 2044 : The Cost Guard!(Extended version)
The Last Stand_Extended Edition
Might of Desert(Extended and modified version)! : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Deceased 12 : The Shadow of Sakura
The Gods of Bharat : Maa Pārvatī ॐ (Yogi Version)
The Gods of Bharat : Maa Pārvatī ॐ (God Version)
Deceased 5 - A sunny day is good for painting! _Modified version
The Gods of Bharat : Bhagavān Shankar Rudra Avatar ॐ
Bamboo Grass _-Traditional Ink Art Series
The Gods of Bharat : Bhagavān Parashurama ॐ
Code Name Rawat : Flying Beasts of Bharat 2044-The Series
Deceased 11 / Journey 10 : The Autumn Mountain
Take the vaccine...or...
Cyber Samurai : Painting of a Samurai
Lachit Borphukan- Real Heroes Of Bharat (The NEW Series)
Independence day 2044 : Mechanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Neo Nippon 2044 -Camp Fuji
Journey! -The Series [part10]-Green Love
Cheetah-The Desert Fast Mover: Mechanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Lord Shiva - Let the energy Flow ॐ
Vejay Parvata Mk 2 : Mechanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Desert Crab Mark 1 : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Cyber Samurai : Black warrior
Cyber Samurai : KonoeX
Neo Nippon 2044 - Hokkaido Mountain Rescue
The Last Stand
Journey! -The Series [part9]-Snow and Fall
Tales of Grandfather : Sayonara 2020 (さよなら)
Ho Ho Fraging Ho!
Do you want a piece of me?
Journey! -The Series [part8]- The Cliff!
Journey! -The Series [part6]- The Shrine!
The Secret temple of Shiva(15)ॐ-Ardhanarishvara Temple
Rakshak Mark.2 : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Mountain Tiger MK 2.0 : Mechanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Prithviraj Attack Helicopter Mark.4 :Flying Beasts of Bharat 2044-The Series
Bheem:7700Mk.3 :Flying Beasts of Bharat 2044-The Series
Journey! -The Series [part5]- The River!
Journey! -The Series [part4]-The Moon!
Tales of Grandfather : The Series
Deceased 10 B -The Beach
Superman : Reign of The Superman
The Gods of Bharat : Lord Hanuman ॐ
Knightworld : Meet The Teeth Specialist!
The Final Round!
Tokyo Bat 。 東京の蝙蝠
The Last Light!
Fishing Times!!
The Secret temple of Shiva(2) ॐ -The Rudra Temple!(2012)
Journey! -The Series [part3]-Old Lava
Deceased 9 - Lens and Iron
The Snow Leopard 1.0 : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Khara his brother Dushana Vs Lord Ram
Ski Buddy! : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series.
Just a smoke break Part 4
Early Xmas Gift!
Finding the secret Temple : Frozen in Time!
Old Ghost!
Deceased 7 -Natural Life
A hot day!!
The T600
Knightworld - Mr. J
Knightworld - Batzarro, the world's worst detective!
Deceased 6 - On slippery grounds
Cyber Samurai v.5.0
A nIGHT Walk in Neo Tokyo
The Secret temple of Shiva(14) ॐ -The temple of Gajasurasamhara island.
Futuristic Cityscape 4 (Normal and Extended version)
Journey! -The Series [part2]
Ambush 2
The Light 2
Nazi X - Practice!
Knightworld - ?
Warriors of the dark!
Just a smoke break Part 3 / War 4 (Combined series)
A Muddy Business!
The Firing Range! : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
A Training Exercise Part 3 !
A Training Exercise Part 2 ! :Flying Beasts of Bharat 2044-The Series
Monk and the Cat!
Children's Day (Japan).
An Unexpected Turn
Deceased 5 - A sunny day is good for painting!
Deceased 4 - Daddy's study Hall
Deceased 3 - Fishing Point
Deceased 2 - My Dog's Playground
Knightworld -A Bat
First Light
The Light
Journey! -The Series [part0] : Fuji San
The Gods of Bharat : Lord Shiva ॐ
Bad Santa
A Training Exercise ! :Flying Beasts of Bharat 2044-The Series
Red Planet Remastered
The Workshop
Frontline and snowfall.[2012]
Tropical Waters and a sunny day...
The Panther
The Brown Recluse Desert 1.5
Land -Slide 2
Look I found Totoro...
Raka's impact on Satellite launch rocket : A Flying Jatt
Raka's Costume: A flying Jatt
Space Fight Concept Arts : A Flying Jatt
Oh Crab!!!
Random Practice Works...
The Secret temple of Shiva(13) ॐ-Night Watch of Lord Vishnu .
Futuristic Cityscape 2
DMP Day-Night -2
Sand and the Scorpion : Machanical Beasts of Bharat2044-The Series
Land -Slide
The Secret temple of Shiva (12) ॐ- Falls of Ecstasy
My mech
The Secret temple of Shiva (11) ॐ-Towers of Tiger Mountain
The Fox
The Secret temple of Shiva (10) ॐ- The Mountain of Buddha
Another day on duty.
Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe Concept : Burning Man
Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe Storyboards
Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe Concepts : Inside Cave
Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe character design : Fire Bat
Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe character design : Men-bear
Walking home...
The Secret temple of Shiva (8) ॐ-Custodians of the Paramount
The Way
DMP Day-Night -1
aLIEN bot
Lost Castles 1 : The Frozen Mountain Stronghold
first contact ?
War 3
The Secret temple of Shiva part 6 -ॐ -The King of all temples
The Kali-Nag
The U-boat
Morning Walk
Waiting for the tide
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